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     We Strongly recommend the authors to follow our Journal Author guidelines which is drafted based on ICJME (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,, COPE (The Committee on Publication Ethics, and WAME (World association of Medical editors,


     The preferred format of all manuscripts are in MS office (2007 or above). Manuscript should be concisely typewritten in 1.5 spaces in A4 size. The pages shall be numbered consequently with a 1″ margin on all sides. The manuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman using a font size of 12.


     Title of the article shall be Font14, Bold, UPPERCASE. Author name (without saluation) 12 Capitalize each word, Designation, Department / College Name, State and Country Name in 11 Capitalize each word,


      All section titles in the manuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals and subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case.


     Illustrations (Figures & Tables) must be inserted at appropriate place in the article. Standard International Units should be used throughout the text. There shall not be decorative borders anywhere in the text including the title page. The manuscript should be starting with the title page and the text should be arranged in the following order based on the type of article:






a) Keynote for consideration – Original Research (Experimental)

  • Please follow ARRIVE guidelines for reporting in-vivo research ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments

  • Authors may include studies meant for standardization of raw drugs and finished formulations, toxicity and efficacy studies, studies exploring significance of Siddha pharmaceutical processes.

  • Studies involving integrative methods/techniques for standardization of drugs and diagnosis of diseases based on Siddha/AYUSH classical guidelines/PLIM Guidelines will be appreciated.

  • Authors should mention details of authentication of raw drugs and finished formulations used, animal ethics committee clearance (if applicable) and guidelines followed for the study.


b) Keynote for consideration – Original Research (Clinical)

  • This section reports clinical research, within the scope of this Journal. Clinical studies may include clinical trials, cross sectional studies, case control and cohort studies.

  • Research conducted on humans should be in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the principles of Good Clinical Practices wherever applicable.

  • Approval of research by relevant ethics committee is mandatory and should be mentioned wherever applicable.

  • Protection of Patients' Rights to Privacy: Any information that could reveal identity of individuals in written descriptions, photographs, sonograms, CT scans, etc., should not be included in the manuscript unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian, wherever applicable) gives written informed consent for publication.

  •  Informed consent should be mentioned in the article. The journal office may ask for copy of the consent form, original data, which should be provided on request.


  • Clinical trials (interventional studies) only those are registered with Clinical Trials Registry- India (CTRI) will be considered for publication. The authors need to mention CTRI registration number in covering letter and in the article file.




- Authors are requested to follow CARE guidelines ( statement (Click here for checklist for the documentation/ structuring Case report, Case study and Case series etc. Ethical committee clearance certificate from the institution or organization to be submitted during the Article submission and should mention the details of clearance in the article.

-  Patient's identity should not be revealed from the clinical photographs or CT/USG pictures.

The manuscript should be starting with the title page and the text should be arranged in the following order (alteration with respect to CONSORT statement/ CARE Statement):

 Title Page

 Abstract                                                   

 Keywords

 Introduction

 Materials and Methods

 Results and Discussion

 Conclusion

 Acknowledgements

 References



     Review articles should not be more than 12 pages and contain comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. A review article should not be a mere compilation. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Research papers. Review articles need not to be divided into sections such as Materials and methods but should definitely have an abstract, introduction, Discussion and Conclusion.

- Systematcic review also invited from researchers and much appreciated which is reported based on the guidelines PRISMA-P statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols -2015

3. Short Communication

Short communications may include important preliminary studies and reports. Please provide non-structured abstract to 250 words and restrict the manuscript to about 1,500 words (excluding about 20 references) and 2 non-text items.

References Template (based on vancouver reference style)


Journal Papers:

  1. M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Gastroprotective effect of standardized extract of Amukkara choornam on experimental gastric ulcer in rats, Journal of Natural Medicine, 18(2), 2016, Pg.112-116. (Font Size 10)



  1. Murugesa Muthaliar, Siddha Materia Medica (Vegetable section), Published by Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Chennai. Vol I, Fourth edition; 1988, Pg. 132,232,448.

  2. Sambasivam pillai TV, Dictionary Based on Indian Medical science, published by Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Chennai, India, Vol. 2, Second edition; 1991, Pg. 133 (Font Size 10)



      Thomas M. walter et al, Standardization of Saveera chenduram, doctoral diss., Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, India, 2000. (Font Size 10)


Conference Proceedings Papers:

  1. Thomas M Walter, Reaping The Benefits Of Siddha Oncotherapy - Through Reverse Pharmacology, Proc. Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Southern Region 2017, At Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. Pondicherry, 2017 (Font Size 10)


  1. Siddha medicine [Internet]. 2018 [cited 21 January 2018]. Available from:

  2. Arthritis [Internet]. 2018 [cited 21 January 2018]. Available from:  (Font Size 10)


Article Processing Fee

      Siddhapapers is an open access journal, free to access, read and print for Non-commercial purposes. There are no editorial/peer review charges being solicited from the authors. However, the journal charges minimum amount towards author registration (on accepted article, after peer review) for publishing and maintaining the content online, outsourcing facilities, Hardcopy printouts and Printed hard Certificates, Indexing process and resources towards publication of the article. The amount will be as follows:
























  1. Send your articles to,

  2. Send your article with covering letter (download from homepage) from corresponding author email id. Covering letter includes Corresponding author email id with contact number and full Postal address (for certificate couriering).

  3. Declaration form has to be submitted – after the intimation of Manuscript acceptance email.

General consideration

  1. Article should be in English

  2. Words other than English should be in italics.

  3. Botanical names should be italiced.

  4. Check for plagiarism and grammatical errors.


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  Open Access Triennial Medical Journal   

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